Monday, June 13, 2011

Eat & be happy!

Hello lovely readers!!

I am back at work today after a 3 day weekend :O) We celebrated the Queen's birthday, and got Monday off from work (awesome!)

What i tried to believe in this weekend, was having your cake and eating it too. Lets be real here, everybody loves food, real food, good tasting food, food brings people together is so many different and great ways!

If you are a healthy person, you eat well, and exercise, and treat your body like a temple, then it is not a bad thing, to treat yourself once in a while, with some good tasting (but naughty) types of food. If you fall off the healthy bandwagon, just pick yourself up again and eat better in your next meal, or hit the gym for an extra session - life is all about balance!

My weekend was spent with my family, my boyfriend, my boyfriends family, my friends, and i also got to squeeze in some "me" time, and i also ate lots of yummy (but bad) foods!

But you know what? The happiness i felt being with my loved ones, over ruled the guiltiness i felt from eating so much - so what if i ate some less then healthy foods 3 days in a row - i work my ass off 6 days a week at the gym and i eat really healthy monday - friday, 3 days won't ruin my hard work!

Ian and I cooked a 3 course lunch for his brother and sis in law, it was great fun, we totally make a great team in the kitchen :) Ian was in charge of cooking the salmon, and snow peas, and he also helped me peel and chop the potatoes, and he also helped me here and there with everything else.

Lunch was a success!! Everyone was completely stuffed afterwards, i think we all went inside for a food coma nap hehehehe

mushroom and goats cheese bruscetta

panfried salmon with garlic mash and snowpeas (and thats a blob of dijjonaise)

watermelon fetta and olive (no dressing)

this was a wonderful salad and such a nice palate cleanser as well!

choc-cherry self saucing puddings
served with creme fraiche

I had a great and relaxing weekend, it was good to sit back and let my hair down (and not fret about exercising and eating right)

although i did fit in a bootcamp and cardio box session, and i also did squeeze in some healthy meals, as i always tell myself and others - MODERATION is the key, for all aspects in life, and that is the key to staying happy :O)

xoxo Betty


Mary @ ohmykitchenaid said...

OOh! Was that salad watermelon and olives? How interesting!? PS: That pudding... YUMO TROPPO!

Anna @ TheLittlestAnchovy said...

Mushrooms are one of my favourite foods. Thank you for a new way for me to consume them!! Completely agree with Mary about to pudding too!!