Monday, August 15, 2011

Gluten Free Banana and Strawberry Bread

  • 4 Tbs honey
  • 3 large banana mashed up
  • 50 g macadamia nut oil (or canola or grapeseed oil)
  • 1/2 Ts ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda ( bicarb soda) + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 C almond meal
  • 1/2 C rice flour
  • 1 C Strawberry sliced

  • Preheat your oven to 160 C. in a bowl combine smashed banana,strawberry (leave a few strawberry slice to put on top of batter) honey, oil, cinnamon, bicarb and vinegar. ( the vinegar activates the bicarb). Add the almond meal and rice flour and mix well. Lightly oil one loaf tin and then coat liberally with extra almond meal – this will prevent the cake from sticking. Spoon batter into the tin and bake for 1 hour ( a skewer inserted into the centre should come out dry). Cover the top with foil if over-browning. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before turning out the loaf.

Friday, August 12, 2011

After recently donating blood (for those of you who have not considered donating blood I highly recommend you do, it is one of the simplest thing you could do to help possibly save someone life) and undergone a blood test to see whether I had celiac disease I thought I blog about blood type and some interesting research on blood type. There are four blood types O, A , B, AB, each is a blueprint for the human body. According to the work Dr. James D’Adamo (Famous for his discovery of the 'blood type diet) he theory is that our body type has the power to influence our dietary needs, exercise, meditation, nutrition and more. Thus each blood type has specific foods that should be avoided and others that promote health. This is because each blood type has a different degree of stomach acids and enzymes, which are released when food enters the stomach and digestion starts. Certain blood types have a higher level of acid while others lower. That acid level allows foods like meat to be digested. In addition, that acid level also plays into how gluten is broken down once ingested.

Type O- People with type O are healthiest with intense physical activity or exercise, eating animal proteins (they have a natural increased gastric acidity to digest a high animal protein diet) and do less well on dairy products and grains. With the highest production of stomach acid (as muscle tissue in O works better when slightly acidic) of all the blood types, O’s tend to suffer from ulcers. When an O eats more grains then proteins, the metabolism has to work harder which makes the body feel sluggish and “un-well'' (as this blood group have a decreased thyroid activity). These group of people need A and B vitamins, iodine and calcium in particular to stimulate their slow metabolism and avoid acidic forming food like coffee.

Type B- People with type B have strong immune system and digestive system, B blood type need a more balanced metabolism, neither too acid or too alkaline. Type B can eat a diverse range of foods from both animal and plant kingdoms (lucky you) However chicken is best avoided for group B as it contains certain enzyme (n agglutinating lectin) in its muscle tissue. This can lead to strokes and immune disorders. These people need moderate exercise. They are recommended to have magnesium to help metabolise carbohydrates as a low magnesium level makes these people prone to viral infections, fatigue, depression, nervous and skin disorders.

Type A- (me) is best suited to a vegetarian diet complete with fresh and organic foods (this is because our body can easily digest vegetable and fruit but find it difficult to metabolise animal protein). We are predisposed to diabetes, cancer and heart disease (gastric acid is reduced in A so we are more prone to stomach cancer then ulcers as opposed to Type O). A’s need calming, centering exercise like yoga and tai chi. For the A a drop of dairy is poison in the body and gluten has a harsh effect on their body. (Because we are prone to excess mucous) Additionally Type A produces the least amount of stomach acid that is one reason for less protein, dairy and gluten in the diet. (Muscle tissue in this group works better in slightly alkaline). We are also more prone to anaemia due to a lower intrinsic factor than other blood group therefore magnesium is often needs.

Type AB-
Those who are AB share the benefits and challenges of type A and Type B. Their muscle needs to be slightly alkaline to work. They have a reduce stomach acid than O group due to the A factor so are more suited to carbohydrate foods and moderate amount of meat. (Although chicken should be avoided due to the B factor) Wheat and diary are are okay although should be in moderation due to excess mucous production. It is also advise that you should avoid eating meat and starch together. The best exercise lies in a mixture of both A and B along with the same dietary restrictions.

The information obtained for the blog was from my book by Dr James D'Adamo For further information visit his website at: