Monday, August 15, 2011

Gluten Free Banana and Strawberry Bread

  • 4 Tbs honey
  • 3 large banana mashed up
  • 50 g macadamia nut oil (or canola or grapeseed oil)
  • 1/2 Ts ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda ( bicarb soda) + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 C almond meal
  • 1/2 C rice flour
  • 1 C Strawberry sliced

  • Preheat your oven to 160 C. in a bowl combine smashed banana,strawberry (leave a few strawberry slice to put on top of batter) honey, oil, cinnamon, bicarb and vinegar. ( the vinegar activates the bicarb). Add the almond meal and rice flour and mix well. Lightly oil one loaf tin and then coat liberally with extra almond meal – this will prevent the cake from sticking. Spoon batter into the tin and bake for 1 hour ( a skewer inserted into the centre should come out dry). Cover the top with foil if over-browning. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before turning out the loaf.

Friday, August 12, 2011

After recently donating blood (for those of you who have not considered donating blood I highly recommend you do, it is one of the simplest thing you could do to help possibly save someone life) and undergone a blood test to see whether I had celiac disease I thought I blog about blood type and some interesting research on blood type. There are four blood types O, A , B, AB, each is a blueprint for the human body. According to the work Dr. James D’Adamo (Famous for his discovery of the 'blood type diet) he theory is that our body type has the power to influence our dietary needs, exercise, meditation, nutrition and more. Thus each blood type has specific foods that should be avoided and others that promote health. This is because each blood type has a different degree of stomach acids and enzymes, which are released when food enters the stomach and digestion starts. Certain blood types have a higher level of acid while others lower. That acid level allows foods like meat to be digested. In addition, that acid level also plays into how gluten is broken down once ingested.

Type O- People with type O are healthiest with intense physical activity or exercise, eating animal proteins (they have a natural increased gastric acidity to digest a high animal protein diet) and do less well on dairy products and grains. With the highest production of stomach acid (as muscle tissue in O works better when slightly acidic) of all the blood types, O’s tend to suffer from ulcers. When an O eats more grains then proteins, the metabolism has to work harder which makes the body feel sluggish and “un-well'' (as this blood group have a decreased thyroid activity). These group of people need A and B vitamins, iodine and calcium in particular to stimulate their slow metabolism and avoid acidic forming food like coffee.

Type B- People with type B have strong immune system and digestive system, B blood type need a more balanced metabolism, neither too acid or too alkaline. Type B can eat a diverse range of foods from both animal and plant kingdoms (lucky you) However chicken is best avoided for group B as it contains certain enzyme (n agglutinating lectin) in its muscle tissue. This can lead to strokes and immune disorders. These people need moderate exercise. They are recommended to have magnesium to help metabolise carbohydrates as a low magnesium level makes these people prone to viral infections, fatigue, depression, nervous and skin disorders.

Type A- (me) is best suited to a vegetarian diet complete with fresh and organic foods (this is because our body can easily digest vegetable and fruit but find it difficult to metabolise animal protein). We are predisposed to diabetes, cancer and heart disease (gastric acid is reduced in A so we are more prone to stomach cancer then ulcers as opposed to Type O). A’s need calming, centering exercise like yoga and tai chi. For the A a drop of dairy is poison in the body and gluten has a harsh effect on their body. (Because we are prone to excess mucous) Additionally Type A produces the least amount of stomach acid that is one reason for less protein, dairy and gluten in the diet. (Muscle tissue in this group works better in slightly alkaline). We are also more prone to anaemia due to a lower intrinsic factor than other blood group therefore magnesium is often needs.

Type AB-
Those who are AB share the benefits and challenges of type A and Type B. Their muscle needs to be slightly alkaline to work. They have a reduce stomach acid than O group due to the A factor so are more suited to carbohydrate foods and moderate amount of meat. (Although chicken should be avoided due to the B factor) Wheat and diary are are okay although should be in moderation due to excess mucous production. It is also advise that you should avoid eating meat and starch together. The best exercise lies in a mixture of both A and B along with the same dietary restrictions.

The information obtained for the blog was from my book by Dr James D'Adamo For further information visit his website at:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Relationships are delicate. Both people have to be on the same page. Both people have to be in the same point in their lives, wanting the same things. Can't have any doubts or reservations. Do something too early, and you can taint it. Jump in too quick, you can screw things up. Wait too long, it may be too late. There are so many other variables besides who the person is...


Hey guys and girls sorry Ive been MIA (missing in action) I've recently went to a health retreat in Thailand. (Shall blog about this soon) I miss the warmth of the sun! Im not a winter person I think I turn into a hibernating panda bear! The only exercise I manage to do at the moment is a sprint to the fridge lol and a quick dash back into the comfort of my warm bedroom!

Motivation... Isn't a word in my vocab right now! It's an elusive little bugger, isnt it? One day Im literally the most motivated person in the world- NOTHING can stop me...and then, with little or no warning...i am motivated only to do things that require no motivation. I dont know about you... but i am VERY motivated when it is convenient. When all the elements are in place. Im rested, not hormonal, when I am not on night shift and my schedule allows...I am motivated...(who wouldnt be) So I went in search of motivation!

Since coming back from thailand Ive learnt that I have cealic disease (where gluten is my enemy...goodbye freshly baked bread...oh how ill miss you) which means I have to be more conscious of what I put in my mouth. This brought about a new inspiration for me to bring out my thermomix and vitamix and be creative with my cooking. Below are some recipes.

Chocolate Chestnut pudding

1/2 C dark chocolate
2 Tb peeled and cooked chestnut
1Tb unsweetned cocoa powder (or carob powder)
4 pitted dates
2Tb coconut flakes
1/4 C water
1/4 C raspberries

Melt the dark chocolatein double boil or in the microwave and set aside. Puree the rest of the ingredients. Add the melted chocolate and pulse until all ingredients are combined. Adding water gradually. Serve and topped with rasperries (frozen or fresh)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

facts about Water

Photo from:

Good morning world! :)
Monday has come again, and the weekend (as always) zoomed past me so quickly i can't believe i am back to my work desk already.

An anonymous person left a comment on my last post saying that i should mention where i get my information and quotes from. I admit, i have forgotten to do that to a few of my posts, i should apologise, as it is the right thing to do if what i am posting up here is not my original words.

I've signed myself up to a lot of health and food websites, so i'm constantly receiving emails from them, some emails i skim and delete, others i read and keep, it's great to read stories and information about health, there is so much to learn, so much to take in, and when i see something worth reading i always make a note to post it up here for you guys :D

Stella has been away in Thailand for the last two weeks (i've missed her!) she's back on Wednesday :) She's been enjoying the food over there, and also attended a health retreat for a week i am so totally jealous! I am so overdue for a holiday its not funny! haha..

Anyway, here are some facts about 'water'. We should be drinking 1-2 litres per day, more if we're active, and if it's hot (e.g summer). I admit, i dont drink enough water (possibly a litre at work, another half a litre at the gym, and a glass at home) but i do choose water over soft drinks and fruit juices (these are laden with sugar and unnecessary calories).

I keep a 2 litre jug of filtered water by my desk at work and i drink a glass every hour or two, its a great reminder if you have access to it all day!

Enjoy the read (taken from, and i hope you learn something from it :)

Water, the essential nutrient
Boost your health and weight loss, whatever the weather

Humble H2O is the most indispensible nutrient. In fact, we need more water every day than any other nutrient as it is the fluid in which all our vital bodily processes take place. Drinking plenty of water keeps us healthy, improves weight loss, helps us to focus and charges up our energy. And while we are aware of the dangers of not drinking enough in the heat of summer, it is just as important to stay hydrated when the days are a little chilly.

The benefits of drinking more water

As well as allowing our bodies to function properly, there are many health benefits associated with drinking water.

Water saves calories.
Replacing calorie-containing drinks with zero-calorie water automatically means big savings in your daily calorie balance.

Water reduces discomfort and protects your health
Water improves conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and protects against urinary tract infections, kidney stones, cystitis and other bladder infections – even cancers of the digestive tract. And don’t overlook the part it plays in reducing the discomfort of constipation.

Water reduces hunger and helps weight loss.
Dieters often mistake a sense of thirst as a sense of hunger, particularly if they are not in the habit of drinking regularly and are less aware of their need for fluids. When you feel an unexpected hunger pang, try having a glass of water first and waiting for 30 minutes. If hunger is still present, then have a healthy snack. By increasing your water consumption, you can reduce your cravings for treats and stay focused and energised because you are adequately hydrated.

Water with meals helps you feel fuller.
Water causes the fibre in foods to swell, activating the stretch receptors in the stomach lining and signalling a sense of fullness.

Water makes you look better.
The improved blood flow from drinking water benefits the quality of your skin, making you look more radiant and healthy. What’s more, it plumps out the cells at the base of each hair follicle, boosting the bounce and texture of your hair.

How the body uses water

Water makes up about two-thirds of the body and is found in all cells and the fluid that surrounds them. It supports many vital functions including:

Transporting nutrients around the body
Carrying away waste products
Participating in metabolic reactions
Acting as a lubricant and cushion around joints and inside the eyes and spinal cord, Protecting them from shock and damage
Maintaining blood volume
Regulating normal body temperature
How the body maintains an adequate fluid balance

The body works hard to control a delicate fluid balance by adjusting both fluid intake and excretion. The system that lets you know your fluid levels are falling is your thirst, which is activated by the hypothalamus. You can tell when you have had enough to drink by the stretch receptors in your stomach.

The problem with the thirst mechanism is that often it lags behind your physical need for hydration, so it pays to be aware of other signals. These include:

dark coloured urine (clear, light coloured urine indicates adequate hydration)
infrequent urination
feeling sluggish and tired
difficulty in focusing

When your body is even moderately low on water, your blood becomes thicker and your heart has to work harder to circulate it. This makes your brain less active, which explains why you have trouble concentrating. Furthermore, you don’t burn energy as efficiently as you would when you’re well hydrated, which is why you feel tired. Dehydration is a dangerous condition that results in weakness and exhaustion, and being slightly under-hydrated most of the time means you are not as perky and alert as you could be.

How much water should you drink?

Your individual need for water depends on varying factors like your level of physical activity, your diet, the general temperature and prevailing humidity levels. A good rule is to aim for 6 to 8 glasses per day, as indicated in your online diary. It is essential to drink extra during and after physical activity to replace losses from sweat and hard breathing, to regulate your core temperature and reduce fatigue.

If you find that you constantly feel thirsty, no matter how much water your drink, you should see a health professional as unquenchable thirst is one sign of diabetes.

Seasonal water requirements

In the cooler months we are less likely to notice our thirst, but it is every bit as important to stay hydrated in winter as it is in summer.

In the summer, we lose more water through sweating and we tend to feel thirstier. We’re more conscious of the need to stay hydrated in hot and humid conditions and big glasses of water and other cool drinks are refreshing. In the winter, on the other hand, we don’t always finish a workout drenched in sweat or get thirsty just by moving around. However, we still have to maintain a healthy fluid balance to prevent the harmful consequences of dehydration, so don’t wait until you feel thirsty to replenish fluid losses. At this time of year it’s as important as ever to fill up on the H2O at intervals throughout the day.

Tap v bottle

Tap water in Australia is assessed regularly, the quality is high and, of course, it’s free. But if you don’t like the taste, why not keep a filter jug in the fridge for a cheap and environmentally sustainable supply of clean-tasting water? Water filters remove hardness, chlorine, heavy metals like lead and copper and other organic impurities to improve the taste, smell and appearance of water. Make sure all parts stay clean and dry them thoroughly before refilling, as water jugs can be a breeding ground for germs. Replace filter cartridges regularly so your water is always fresh and pure.

Bottled water can be expensive, but small bottles are portable and convenient when you’re out and about (although there are increasing types of refillable bottles on the market worth investigating). Some brands are good sources of minerals like calcium and magnesium, but others can be high in sodium. Sparkling mineral water and soda water are fine, although not good choices if you have IBS or heartburn.

The main thing is to develop the habit of drinking plenty of water, so find what suits you best.

Water recommendations

The total water you drink each day includes not only drinking water but that in other beverages, such as milk and juice, even soft drinks. The lower the calories the better for weight loss, of course – and water has zero calories and no other additives, so it’s the dieter’s drink of choice.

Try herbal or fruit teas or green tea for extra variety. You can make your own infusions with mint leaves, lemon and ginger.

The milk in coffee or shakes like The Biggest Loser Club Meal Replacement Milk Drinks is a valuable source of extra nutrients as well as fluid.

Soups are another great way to boost your fluid intake, and especially welcome when it’s cold outside. Our recipe section includes many mouthwatering suggestions, like this hot and sour noodle soup with prawns.

If you have the urge for a soft drink or a juice, have a glass of water first to reinforce the water habit.

Fill a jug with water and place it where you can see it all day to remind yourself to have another glass.

Keep a bottle in the car or in your bag for top-ups when you’re on the go.

Make sure you enter your consumption of drinking water in your diary at least 4 times a week. Aim to tick off each glass – and even a few more.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coffee - Good or bad for you?

I am proud to tell you today that i have been off coffee for about 3 mths now. I made the switch to green tea, and used that as a stepping stone to get off caffeine completely during work hours. I now only drink water, and green tea occasionally :)

BUT, today, i broke that record, and succumbed to a sweet hot cinnamon-ey cup of coffee because i felt really tired and i'm not sure why :(

I'm trying to convince myself that having one cup will be okay for me, and that i will not turn it into a daily habit again. I did miss the taste, and i do feel a lot more alert now though! I've read a lot on the benefits and non-benefits of drinking coffee, and as i say about most other things - moderation is the key. I found this list of pro's and cons from here that i thought i'd share with you.

Whether or not you are a coffee drinker or not, i'm sure you will enjoy reading this as i believe it's a good thing to know these little facts! If you don't drink coffee, i'm sure you know of a coffee drinker, and if you do drink coffee, then have a read and you can decide for yourself if its a good or bad thing.

Coffee Pros

1. Antioxidants. Coffee is rich in antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins. Antioxidants help prevent oxidation, a process that causes damage to cells and contributes to aging.

2. Parkinson's disease. Regular coffee drinking reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. A number of studies have demonstrated that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are significantly less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

3. Diabetes. Coffee drinking has the potential to protect against the development of type 2 diabetes. A prospective study as part of the US Nurses Health Study found that moderate consumption of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in younger and middle aged women.

4. Liver cirrhosis. Coffee drinking may protect against liver cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis.

5. Gallstones. There is some evidence that coffee drinking may be protective against gallstone formation in both men and women.

6. Kidney stones. Coffee consumption lowers the risk of kidney stones formation. Coffee increases the urine volume, preventing the crystallization of calcium oxalate, the most common component of kidney stones.

7. Improved mental performance. Caffeine in coffee is a well-known stimulant. Coffee promotes alertness, attention and wakefulness. The cup of coffee can also increase information processing.

8. Alzheimer's disease. Regular coffee drinking may help to protect against Alzheimer's disease. Recent study in mice showed that caffeine equivalent to 5 cups of coffee per day reduced the build up of destructive plaques in the brain.

9. Asthma. Caffeine in coffee is related to theophylline, an old asthma medication. Caffeine can open airways and improve asthma symptoms.

10. Caffeine safety. In 1958, caffeine was placed on the Food and Drug Administration's list as generally recognized as safe.

Coffee Cons

1. Heart disease. This is somewhat controversial. Most prospective cohort studies haven't found that coffee consumption is associated with significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
On one hand, diterpenes cafestol and kahweol present in unfiltered coffee and caffeine each appear to increase risk of coronary heart disease. High quality studies have confirmed the cholesterol-raising effect of diterpenes. Also, coffee consumption is associated with an increase of plasma homocysteine, a risk factor for coronary heart disease.

On the other hand, a lower risk of heart disease among moderate coffee drinkers might be due to antioxidants found in coffee.

2. Cholesterol. Heavy consumption of boiled coffee elevates blood total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels. Unfiltered coffee contains two cholesterol-raising compounds cafestol and kahweol.

3. Blood vessels. Coffee negatively affects the blood vessel tone and function.

4. Heart rhythm disturbances. Coffee can cause rapid or irregular heartbeats (cardiac arrhythmias).

5. Blood pressure. Although coffee drinking is not a significant risk factor for hypertension, it produces unfavorable effects on blood pressure and people prone to hypertension may be more susceptible. Recent Italian study found that coffee drinking can slightly increase the risk for development of sustained hypertension in people with elevated blood pressure.

6. Osteoporosis. Coffee intake may induce an extra urinary excretion of calcium. Heavy coffee consumption (600 ml or more) can modestly increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women with a low calcium intake.

7. Heartburn. A cup of coffee can trigger the heartburn.

8. Sleep. Most are aware of the stimulatory effects of caffeine. High amounts of caffeine taken before going to sleep can cause difficulty falling asleep, tendency to be awakened more readily by sudden noises, and a decreased quality of sleep. However, some people can drink coffee and fall right asleep.

9. Dehydration. The caffeine in coffee is a mild diuretic and can increase urine excretion. This effect may be easily neutralized by drinking an extra glass of water.

10. Dependence. Although "generally recognized as safe" by the FDA, caffeine is still a drug, a mild central nervous system stimulant, and it produces dependence. Caffeine withdrawal is a real syndrome. You may get a few days of headache and irritability if you choose to quit drinking coffee, however, it is relatively easy to break this habit, and most people are not addicted to caffeine.


xoxo Betty

Sunday, June 26, 2011

10 ways to avoid extra winter kilos

Hey everyone! Sorry i've been m.i.a, life has gotten abit busy for me! I had a really bad weekend of eating..

Friday night : buffet @ centre point tower
Saturday night : Pancakes on the rocks
Sunday morning : breakfast buffet @ mounties

That's alot of eating! But i also did:

saturday: 12km coastal run (in 100 minutes)
sunday : 2 hr bush walk @ Manly Dam

So i dont feel too bad about the eating anymore :)

One thing i'm definitely worried about during the colder months of the year - is winter weight gain :( It's so easy to just skip working out to stay home, stay warm and eat comfort foods, and our bodies naturally get more hungry during winter because food insulates our body with fat which keeps us warm!

While it is certainly okay to give your self a break now and again, try not to make a habit of it! If you know you will be skipping out a work out, try to eat sensibly to make up for it, or to make your next workout even harder to compensate.

I found these tips on the biggest loser website i thought i'd share with you all, & a few tips i'm adding in myself :)

- warm oats with cinnamon & brown sugar for breakfast will warm you up real good in the mornings, and keep you full (better then toast!)
- keeping a food diary (i am in my 5th week of keeping a food and exercise diary, and i love it, it's great! i can see where i've gone wrong, eaten bad, not exercised enough, and its very motivating trying to keep that diary positive)
- try to do abit of exercise everyday! even if it's just half an hour on the x trainer, treadmill or bike, your body will thank you for it, remember : a little bit of exercise is better then nothing!

& these are the tips from the biggest loser website, enjoy!

Eat a healthy breakfast

US researcher Dr Daniela Jakubowicz has studied the link between eating breakfast and weight loss to show that fuelling up early can help you lose weight and keep it off. Study participants reported feeling less hungry than non-breakfasters. Try wholemeal crumpets with grilled banana and honey.

Watch your portions

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, most people estimate portion sizes inaccurately. For pasta, subjects measured out on average more than half more than they meant to (156%). Weigh and measure your portions for the next week to re-establish a correct portion – and try using smaller plates and bowls.

Snack smarter

Swap a blueberry muffin for a slice of buttered raisin toast – and save 213 calories. Or check out these 15 snack ideas, each under 200 calories.

Choose comfort foods wisely

Try porridge with reduced-fat milk and fruit, and slow-cooked casseroles (made with lean meat and vegetables). Braised lamb shanks, tuna penne bake and apple and rhubarb crumble make excellent low calorie treats.

Slurp some soup

The ancient Chinese believed that the body stores up nutrients during the winter months and eating well at this time was especially important to bring good health for the coming year. Try some of our deliciously warming soup recipes, such as cauliflower and pea, sweet pumpkin, bacon, lentil and tomato, minted pea and spiced vegetable.

Choose healthy drinks

Piping hot drinks are a great way to stay warm, but use reduced-fat milk and limit added sugar.

Make the most of exercise

It’s easier to be active in winter because you don’t have to contend with stifling heat and high humidity. And running or walking outside without strong sunlight means you don’t have to worry so much about sunburn and dehydration.

Recruit a support team

Find at least one person (friend, family member, work colleague, forum buddy) who will support and cheer you on over winter.

Search out the sun

Research has found that the level of vitamin D level in the body at the start of a low-calorie diet can be a good prediction of whether weight loss will be successful. A study by the University of Minnesota found that higher levels of the vitamin, which the body gets from sunlight, predicted greater losses of abdominal fat, among 38 overweight men and women. “Vitamin D deficiency is associated with obesity but it is not clear if inadequate vitamin D causes obesity or the other way around,” said the study’s lead author, Shalamar Sibley. While more research needs to be done, it’s worth getting as many natural light as possible. Try getting off the bus a stop early and walking, wrapping up and having your morning coffee outside or shopping in outdoor markets rather than malls. Make sure you wear UV protection as the sun’s rays can still be damaging in winter.

Warm from the inside

Flavoursome ginger root has been used since ancient times for its warming and soothing properties and its immune-strengthening qualities. Wind down and warm up with some tea with added fresh or dried ginger. Try making your own infusion by mixing 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice and 1 teaspoon honey stirred into a cup of hot water – it’s just 23 calories.

xoxo Betty

Monday, June 13, 2011

Eat & be happy!

Hello lovely readers!!

I am back at work today after a 3 day weekend :O) We celebrated the Queen's birthday, and got Monday off from work (awesome!)

What i tried to believe in this weekend, was having your cake and eating it too. Lets be real here, everybody loves food, real food, good tasting food, food brings people together is so many different and great ways!

If you are a healthy person, you eat well, and exercise, and treat your body like a temple, then it is not a bad thing, to treat yourself once in a while, with some good tasting (but naughty) types of food. If you fall off the healthy bandwagon, just pick yourself up again and eat better in your next meal, or hit the gym for an extra session - life is all about balance!

My weekend was spent with my family, my boyfriend, my boyfriends family, my friends, and i also got to squeeze in some "me" time, and i also ate lots of yummy (but bad) foods!

But you know what? The happiness i felt being with my loved ones, over ruled the guiltiness i felt from eating so much - so what if i ate some less then healthy foods 3 days in a row - i work my ass off 6 days a week at the gym and i eat really healthy monday - friday, 3 days won't ruin my hard work!

Ian and I cooked a 3 course lunch for his brother and sis in law, it was great fun, we totally make a great team in the kitchen :) Ian was in charge of cooking the salmon, and snow peas, and he also helped me peel and chop the potatoes, and he also helped me here and there with everything else.

Lunch was a success!! Everyone was completely stuffed afterwards, i think we all went inside for a food coma nap hehehehe

mushroom and goats cheese bruscetta

panfried salmon with garlic mash and snowpeas (and thats a blob of dijjonaise)

watermelon fetta and olive (no dressing)

this was a wonderful salad and such a nice palate cleanser as well!

choc-cherry self saucing puddings
served with creme fraiche

I had a great and relaxing weekend, it was good to sit back and let my hair down (and not fret about exercising and eating right)

although i did fit in a bootcamp and cardio box session, and i also did squeeze in some healthy meals, as i always tell myself and others - MODERATION is the key, for all aspects in life, and that is the key to staying happy :O)

xoxo Betty

Friday, June 3, 2011

Raw versus roasted nuts - which is healthier?

Nuts are a great snack for when you get mid-afternoon munchies! They are dynamite for dieters, they come in small packages but give you a big bang for your buck. Naturally cholesterol free, they are also high in protein, carbohydrates and fibre, as well as containing minerals and vitamins. They are also high in fat, which is why some people avoid them. But these fats are 'good' fats being mono and polyunsaturated fats.

As long as you keep them to less then a handful, you won't have a calorie overload.

Almonds are my favourite, but other healthy nuts include the below:


  • 1oz. = about 20-24 nuts
  • 160 calories per serving
  • 6 grams of protein

Brazil Nuts:

  • 1oz.=6-8 nuts
  • 190 calories per serving
  • 4g of protein per serving


  • 1oz.=16-18 nuts
  • 160 calories per serving
  • 4g of protein per serving

Hazelnuts (filberts)

  • 1oz.=18-20 nuts
  • 180 calories per serving
  • 4g of protein per serving


  • Though often thought of as nuts, peanuts are actually a type of legume, like beans or lentils.
  • 1oz.=28 nuts
  • 170 calories per serving
  • 7g of protein per serving

  • Pine Nuts :
  • 1oz.=150-157 nuts
  • 160 calories per serving
  • 7g of protein per serving


  • 1oz.=45-47 nuts
  • 160 calories per serving
  • 6g of protein per serving

What’s the Problem With Roasted?

When nuts are exposed to high heat as during the roasting process, two important things can happen that can affect the health value of the nut. Most commercially roasted nuts are heated to very high temperatures. When nuts are roasted at temperatures above 170 degrees Farenheit, the monounsaturated fats can breakdown and free radicals can form. Why is this important? Free radicals can cause damage to cells, particularly the genetic material, DNA.

The other issue that’s recently come to the forefront is acrylamide formation. Acrylamides form when foods containing the amino acid asparagine are heated to high temperatures. Acrylamides have been shown to cause cancer in animals and are believed to increase the risk of cancer in humans. When roasted nuts, particularly almonds, are tested, high levels of acrylamides have been found in many samples. Exposure to these acryalmides can be avoided by eating only raw nuts.

Are There Any Advantages to Roasted?

When it comes to raw or roasted nuts, there may still be some advantages to eating them roasted. Nuts are difficult to digest for some people and roasting may help them pass more easily through the digestive system. Many people also prefer the flavor of roasted nuts. One option for those who prefer the taste of roasted nuts, but don’t want the acrylamide exposure is to roast them at home in the oven, keeping the temperature below 170 degrees. It will take longer at such a low temperature, but the health benefits may be worth it.

xoxo Betty

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Binge eating

Who is guilty of binge eating? (I put my hand up)

I think many of us are, (mainly girls i'd assume) as we all want to stay healthy and lean, which means not being able to enjoy the food we love as much as we'd like to - only in moderation, or for some us us, we cut out completely. This is where we struggle to keep a balance. We should be able to enjoy the food we love (that is bad for us) and not have to feel so guilty afterwards. Focus nowadays is too much on weight, or dieting. When we simplify it down, it should be about eating healthy, exercising daily, making sure out input (food) is not anymore then output (physical activity).

I am guilty of binge eating, but not in the sense that i stuff myself silly and eat till i'm so full that i cant move, but i do like to eat bad foods on the weekend (while eating healthy monday-friday), but i also eat really late at night, 'midnight snacking'. I'm not sure why i do this? it could be a number of reasons

1) not eating enough during the day, therefore starving at night
2) not eating a big enough dinner to keep me full
3) sleeping late
4) habit (its been happening for a year or so now)

it's really depressing as i think it's preventing me from losing weight (i'm not gaining weight though, i am still maintaining my weight) but i do work out really hard 5-6 days of the week, and i believe it is this late night snacking that is keeping the weight on and not off (as they say 80% of weightloss is due to your diet)

Starting from today, i am starting a food diary of what i week every hour, every meal, everyday, until i find out what my weakness is, and when i am able to finally drop the bad habit.

some tips for myself would to be:

a) eat more wholesome foods during the day
b) try to get into bed earlier
c) keep healthy snacks available so that when i am eating at midnight, they are low calorie foods that won't deter my weightloss.

I found this article and this is what has helped motivate me into taking my diet abit more seriously. & also, helped me learn, that it's not the end of the world if i eat something bad, as long as i don't do it again, and make my next meal healthier!

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as i did.

The urge to binge is primal, an instinct intended to protect us from starvation. "It goes back to the cavemen days," said Judith Beck, clinical psychologist and author of "The Beck Diet Solution: Train Yourself to Think Like a Thin Person." "People binged when food was plentiful to prepare for times when food was scarce or unavailable."

And who hasn't been a victim of that primal urge, falling off the healthy-eating wagon and indulging in an all-out pig-out? If you've ever eaten yourself into an ice cream coma, you probably know the pure pleasure of an extreme eating binge. You probably also know the awful pain that follows, the guilt that descends after inhaling a box of Girl Scout cookies or the panic that strikes after a week of gorging on a cruise. But there's no need for reproach or a hunger strike. All it takes is some smart eating and a little extra exercise to get your fitness goals back on track.
Binge eaters often tell themselves eating is the only way they can calm down or ease depression.
Judith Beck, clinical psychologist and author of "The Beck Diet Solution: Train Yourself to Think Like a Thin Person"
Why We Binge
While binging may have been a way for our ancestors to withstand famines, it's hardly necessary to our survival in modern times. These days, the triggers for overeating are often emotional, according to Beck. It's not uncommon to binge on food to cope with depression, boredom or anxiety.

"Binge eaters often tell themselves eating is the only way they can calm down or ease depression," Beck said. But the body often responds to the binge with biochemical changes, which can set up a pattern of repeat binging. Overindulging on high-sugar goodies, for example, can actually cause changes in the brain, leading to sugar cravings.

Winter weather can also bring on eating binges, Beck said. Some people feel depressed during the long, dark days of winter and turn to food for solace. "Winter is the binge season," Beck said. "You can't get to the gym, and many people can't stop eating."

But in spite of why we do it, the ways in which we binge are all too familiar.
Do You Have Binge-Eating Disorder?

It's normal to overeat every once in a while, according to Beck, but frequent binges could signal an eating disorder. Binge-eating disorder, also known as compulsive eating, is the fastest growing eating disorder in the United States, said Kate Daigle, a Denver psychotherapist who specializes in eating disorders.

Out-of-control episodes that strike two or more days a week for six months can be a sign of binge-eating disorder, or BED. In people with this eating disorder, the binge is almost always followed by feelings of embarrassment, shame or guilt, Daigle said. Other signs of BED include eating more quickly than normal, eating until you feel uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food when you're not hungry, and eating alone to hide your binging, she said.

If you suspect you have binge-eating disorder, talk to your doctor, who may be able to refer you to an eating disorder specialist or clinic. For more information on BED, consult the National Eating Disorders Association website,
The Late-Night Pig-Out
"Late-night overeating is the most common type of binging behavior," said registered dietitian Heather Bauer, owner of Nu-Train, a nutrition counseling center in New York City, "because the stress of life hits us more at night, when we have a chance to reflect on our day, leading to stress binging."

Another trigger for late-night binging is the glass, or two, of wine you had with dinner. Alcohol decreases the inhibitions that control overeating while also increasing your appetite, according to Bauer. Other people binge late at night to cope with loneliness. "For many single people, late night can be a lonely time, and eating is comforting," she explained.

To bounce back from your late-night binge, shift your exercise routine into high gear the next day and moderately cut your calorie intake. But don't starve yourself as penance for your crime. "Deprivation has only one effect -- another binge," Beck said.

The damage is probably much less than you think, in any case. Even if you ate an entire pint of full-fat ice cream with two packages of candy-coated chocolates, that's only 1,560 extra calories, or just barely enough to put on a whopping half-pound. Cutting 110 calories from your daily diet and taking a brisk half-hour walk every day will erase the damage in a week, Bauer said.
The Eat-It-All Weekend
Sometimes the discipline you showed all week -- bypassing the office candy bowl, avoiding the vending machine -- is crushed by that diet Waterloo, the weekend. "Without the structure of the weekday, it's harder to eat healthfully," Bauer said.

Start your recovery plan by ignoring the scale on Monday morning. If your binge included food high in sodium -- and it did if you ate in restaurants at all -- you're probably carrying around a couple of pounds of water weight, said Bauer, and it may take 72 hours to get an accurate reading. Rehydrating with plain water can hasten the process.

Next, regroup and plunge yourself back into your healthy routine. If you binged all weekend, you could have put on a pound or two. It will take about a month to lose those 2 lbs. if you walk for a half-hour and subtract 100 calories a day. Bump up your workout to 45-minute walks and reduce your food intake by 200 calories a day and you'll be back to your pre-binge weight in as little as two weeks, Bauer said.
The Week Off the Wagon
The weeklong eating binge often takes place while on vacation. After all, it's the time to relax and live it up. The result of this indulgence, though, is that you could easily take in 4,000 calories a day, Bauer said. That translates to 5 lbs. of weight packed on in just a week.

To bounce back from your weeklong binge, Bauer recommends taking a gradual approach. For the first week or two, steer clear of starches and halve your portions. Eliminate desserts that are rich in sugar and fat for seven to 10 days to help quell cravings for sweets.

If you're not good at restrictive diets, Beck suggests alternating full-calorie days with lower-calorie days. You'll feel less deprived if you're not limiting your food intake every single day. Or, you might try devoting one day to what Beck calls "grand physical activity" in addition to your regular routine. You'll burn an extra 3,500 calories with an uphill hike, which will jump-start your weight loss.

But the damage is reversible only if you don't get down on yourself and go on another eating binge. "If you had a flat tire, you'd simply fix it and continue on your journey," Beck said. "It's important to take the same approach to your diet and refrain from self-sabotage by continuing to binge out of habit or for emotional reasons."

Read more:

Xoxo Betty

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bircher muesli - a great way to start your day

The first time i ever had bircher muesli, was from a fruit and veg health shop in north sydney a few years ago, and what i love about it is the natural sweetness from the fruit, the texture from the oats, and the fact that you can dress it up in whichever way you please (fruit, honey, seeds, fresh juices)

Ever since then, i no longer buy it, i make it myself!

This is a great recipe to follow, and by all means switch it up if you like your bircher a bit runny then add more liquid and if not then reduce it for a more thicker consistency.

2 cups rolled oats
1 cup apple juice/O.J/breakkie juice
1 cup grated apple/pear
Half a cup natural yoghurt/or flavoured yogurt
Juice of half a lemon
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup chopped mixed fruit of your choice (berries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, bananaa etc
sultanas or any dried fruits
sunflower seeds


Soak oats & seeds in apple juice. Leave in fridge overnight.

When ready to serve mix through yoghurt, fresh fruit, lemon juice and honey.

I also like to top it with sliced almonds, to give it a crunchy texture :O)


xoxo Betty

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bye bye Jennifer, Hello Sup!

Time to say by to Jen (she is travelling in Malaysia right now i'm totally jealous!)

I'd like to introduce to you my workmate Supratik - you can view his profile and answers at the bottom of the page!

What are your goals in life?
To make the most of it - I like to challenge myself professionally and personally.
What is your favourite exercise and why?
Power-walking because it's a great workout that isn't too intensive. I'm a big multi-tasker so power-walking doubles as 'me time'. I listen to motivational audio tracks while I walk and usually try to take a scenic route so I'm really maximising my time outdoors.
Which food can't you live without?
I love my deep-fried foods - spring rolls, hot chips, tempura… you name it!
How many days a week are you working out?
About an hour, daily.
What's the best /quoteadvice you've ever been given?
"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." - Anthony Robbins
If you could take 3 things to a deserted island what would they be?
My boyfriend, a knife similar to what Bear Grylls uses, and a boat!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Turning 25

So this week i turned 25 and to honour this triump quater of a century my beloved and dear friends have showered me with wonderful red velvet, chocolate mud cake, ube cake, cupcakes every cake they knew I love. (Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart) And i couldn't say no to cake. May 17th was Stelz cake eating day, moderation was not apart of my vocab today! .... ONLY indulgence! Oh and yes it was BTS (better than sex) rich, moist creamy cream it was pure food organism. (ORGANSM)

That was until post birthday blues... I was woken by a rude awakening ....a painful kick in my tummy and a very bloated tummy! (i didnt know cakes have sperm, if it did i think ill be giving birth to half the baby in China) Usually my tummy can handle more than that I guess age is catching up on me (my metabolism is failing me and eyesight- ran two red light thinking it was green)

To alleivate my bloating I had warm water and lemon to wake up my liver so it can kick start my metabolism and made a cup of raw juice of beetroot. Usually this would work wonders and just debloat and undo the damage... However for the first time in 25 years it didnt. (Brring brring... my quaterlife crissis is calling me!) Reality hit me when i had 15 people congraluting me on my baby bump! OHMYBUDDHA...

So i got on speed dial and called my lifeline... the colonic care centre and booked for the earliest colonic hydrotherapy appointment. The next post will be about wait for it... yes I said that awful word COLONIC IRRIGATION!!!

On the positive, i made me reevaluate and ignited the skinny girl in me to kick the fat girl in the ass and put her in the closet (more about the skinny girl fat girl ...a little later)

So Ive decided it was time I celebrated this quater of century by challenging myself to do something I feel as though i could not do... Keep to a 25 day food/diet plan.

Starting Sunday 22nd May 2011 I am committing to a 30 days of ''naked food'' (food which is whole no process, no refined sugar, artifical, you get the drift) I know it will be hard... actually not hard... just simply impossible. My mission impossible... for a girl who loves to bake and cook and most of all EATING it! But this time being 25 the drive was that... it was not to loose the thass (a thass is when your ass starts sliding down the back of your body and becomes one with your thigh and it wasnt caused by gravity either) It was driven by something deeper. I had overcome my bulimia... my demon i called her Stacey. Although I have ended my relationship with her...there were days where I flirted with her. No more Fred flinstone size portions. No more extreme measures. Reaching 25 has made me re-evaluate, re-anaylse, re-proiorise and re-fashion my life.
Therefore I would like to share 25 things Ive learned at age 25

1. Treating your body well will reflect in all aspect of your life
2. You can change your habits, it just takes desire
3. Priorise happiness always
4. Find the little things to enjoy in the present waiting for the future is exhausting.
5. Trust in your instinct not your emotion
6. Nothing is ever permanent but change (So dont sweat the small stuff)
7. Never judge someone until you've been in their shoes (Because you could also be doing the same thing when you are in their shoes)
8. Find your moderation
9. You can't change anyone but yourself
10. Dont make someone a prior when your only an option to them

11. Be who you are, and say what you feel (in an assertive manner though)because those that mind dont matter

12. Always smile because life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

13. Let go of things you can't change

14. Open your heart and your mind to life's lesson (there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices and everything is possible)

15. Everything happens for a reason

16. Crying always makes you feel better

17. Patience is a virtue

18. With every hurt, your heart learns to love more

19. Do a random act of kidness everyday (no act of kidness however small is ever wasted)
20. Never look down upon anyone unless your helping them up

21. Lifes not about expecting, hoping and wishing its about doind, being and becoming...Never leave things for tomorrow (DO it NOW, dont procastinate)

22. Contentment and acceptance is the greatest happiness

23. Life is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it

24. Destiny not a matter of chance but a matter of choice

25. Life is too short to be anythign but happy

Xoxo Stella

Monday, May 9, 2011

Reduce belly bloat by making these simple food swaps

So all of us really want to achieve one thing in particular - a flat belly!

WE could be doing all the right exercises, so much cardio, and ab exercises, but one thing that we need to look at - is food that makes us bloat. We all know the obvious culprit is a few types of beans, dairy, eating too much fibre, but here a few more tips that could help rid you of the bloating as well.

1. dairy

If dairy makes you bloated, you may have developed lactose intolerance. Try lower-lactose foods (like hard cheese or yogurt) or lactose-free dairy products

2. fruit

Berries, grapes, and citrus contain a near-equal ratio of the sugars fructose and glucose, making them easier to digest than fruits with more fructose, such as honeydew, apples, and pears.

3. Switch your starch.

If fructan-rich wheat, rye, or barley is behind your bloat, choose stomach-friendly rice, corn, oats, or potatoes.

5. Be smart about beans.

Limit galactan-rich legumes (soy nuts, chickpeas, lentils, and all beans), cabbage, and brussels sprouts if they're causing you trouble. Soaking dried beans overnight may help.

Xoxo Betty

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bye bye Steven, Hello Jennifer

Thanks to Steven for being our gym junkie of the week of last week. Now he can move over and make room for Jennifer :O)

You can view her photo and answers at the bottom of this blog!

What are your goals in life?
to be successful in my career
to be happily married with two kids
to live a healthy lifestyle

What is your favourite exercise and why?
chest & biceps. - I love the feeling when blood rushes through the muscles and the feeling when I wake up the next day and my muscles are all tight.

Which food can't you live without?

How many days a week are you working out?
4 days a week

What's the best advice you've ever been given?
everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but aint nobody want to lift this heavy ass weight. I do it though. YEAH BUDDY, LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!

If you could take 3 things to a deserted island what would they be?
A water proof, solar-powered, satellite cell phone
A good survival knife
A water-purifying canteen.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I just want to prove to myself that I can finish something I start. That I am stronger than i give myself credit for. So for 30 days Im saying no to process, fas food and opting or naked food (not process) raw, wholesome food and embarking on a paleo diet :)

For my fitness goal I want to be able to achieve 8 strict wide grip pull up :)
Motto fitter stronger healthier

30 Day Paleo diet

The 15 rules of the Paleo diet
1.The Paleo diet should be high in fat, moderate in animal protein and low to moderate in carbohydrates. Calorie counting is not encouraged, neither is portion control.
2.Eat unlimited amounts of saturated fats like coconut oil and butter or clarified butter. Beef tallow, lard and duck fat are also good. Olive, avocado and macadamia oil are also good fats to use in salads and to drizzle over food, but not for cooking.
3.Eat generous amounts of animal protein. This includes red meat, poultry, pork, eggs, organs (liver, kidney, heart…), wild caught fish and shellfish.
4.Eat good amounts of fresh or frozen vegetables either cooked or raw and served with fat. Starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and yams are also great as a source of non-toxic carbohydrates.
5.Eat low to moderate amounts of fruits and nuts. Try to eat mostly fruits low in sugar and high in antioxidants like berries as well as nuts high in omega-3, low in omega-6 and low in total polyunsaturated fat like macadamia nuts.
6.Preferably choose pasture-raised and grass-fed meat coming from a local, environmentally conscious farms. If not possible, choose lean cuts of meat and supplement your fat with coconut oil, butter or clarified butter. Also preferably choose organic, local and/or seasonal fruits and vegetables.
7.Cut out all cereal grains and legumes from your diet. This includes, but is not limited to, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, brown rice, soy, peanuts, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans and black eyed peas.
8.Cut out all vegetable, hydrogenated and partly-hydrogenated oils including, but not limited to, margarines, soybean oil, corn oil, crisco, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil. Olive oil and avocado oil are fine, but don’t cook with them, use them in salad dressings and to drizzle over prepared food.
9.Eliminate sugar, soft drinks, all packaged products and juices (including fruit juices).
10.Eliminate dairy products other then butter and maybe heavy cream. You don’t need dairy, but if you can’t live without.
11.Eat when you’re hungry and don’t stress if you skip a meal or even two. You don’t have to eat three square meals a day, do what feels most natural.
12.Eliminate to most sources of external stress in your life as possible and sleep the most you can. (at least 6 hours , but 8 is optimal)
13.Don’t over-exercise, keep your training sessions short and intense and do them only a few times per week. Take some extra time off if you feel tired. Consider short and intense sprinting sessions instead of very long cardio sessions.
14.Consider supplementing with vitamin D and probiotics.
15.Play in the sun, have fun, laugh, smile, relax, discover, travel, learn and enjoy life like a daring adventure!

(extracted from paleo 101)

xo stella